Attention & Focus
Multitasking and Time Pressure in the Operating Room: Impact on Surgeons' Brain. H.N. Modi, H. Singh, A. Darzi, D.R. Leff
Short-Term Effects of Meditation on Sustained Attention as Measured by fNIRS. M. Izzetoglu, P.A. Shewokis, K. Tsai, P. Dantoin, K. Sparango, K. Min
Cognitive Load
Load-Dependent Relationships between Frontal fNIRS Activity and Performance: A Data-Driven PLS Approach. K.L. Meidenbauer, K.W. Choe, C. Cardenas-Iniguez, T.J. Huppert, M.G. Berman
Sensitivity of fNIRS to cognitive state and load. F. Fishburn, M. Norr, A. Medvedev, C. Vaidya
Capturing individual differences in prefrontal activity with wearable fNIRS for daily use. T. Nozawa, Y. Miyake
Social Experiences
Real-life creative problem solving in teams: fNIRS based hyperscanning study. N. Mayseless, G. Hawthorne, A.L. Reiss
Frontal temporal and parietal systems synchronize within and across brains during live eye-to-eye contact. J. Hirsch, X. Zhang, J.A. Noah, Y. Ono
Brain-to-brain synchrony in parent-child dyads and the relationship with emotion regulation revealed by fNIRS-based hyperscanning. V. Reindl, C. Gerloff, W. Scharke, K. Konrad
Performance Elite
Implementation of fNIRS for Monitoring Levels of Expertise and Mental Workload. Bunce S.C. et al. (2011)
Changes in neurovascular coupling during cycling exercise measured by multi-distance fNIRS: a comparison between endurance athletes and physically active controls. O. Seidel, D. Carius, J. Roediger, et al.
Influences of age, mental workload, and flight experience on cognitive performance and prefrontal activity in private pilots: a fNIRS study. M. Causse, Z.K. Chua, F. Rémy
Age-related prefrontal cortex activation in associative memory: An fNIRS pilot study. D. Talamonti, C.A. Montgomery, D. P.A. Clark, D. Bruno
Mental Health
Application of functional near-infrared spectroscopy in the healthcare industry: A review. K-S Hong, M. Atif Yaqub
A Functional Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy Study of Trauma‐Related Auditory and Olfactory Cues: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or Combat Experience? M.A. Gramlich, S.M. Neer, D.C. Beidel, C.J. Bohil, C.A. Bowers
Quantification of Pain
Morphine Attenuates fNIRS Signal Associated With Painful Stimuli in the Medial Frontopolar Cortex (medial BA 10). K. Peng, M.A. Yücel, S.C. Steele, E.A. Bittner, C.M. Aasted, M.A. Hoeft, A. Lee, E.E. George, D.A. Boas, L. Becerra, D. Borsook
A Machine Learning Approach for the Identification of a Biomarker of Human Pain using fNIRS. R.R. Fernandez, X. Huang, K. Ou
Stroke & TBI
Feasibility of NIRS in the Neurointensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study in Stroke Using Physiological Oscillations. S. Muehlschlegel, J. Selb, M. Patel, S.G. Diamond, M.A. Franceschini, A.G. Sorensen, D.A. Boas & L.H. Schwamm
A Systematic Review of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Stroke: Current Application and Future Directions. M. Yang, Z. Yang, T. Yuan, W. Feng, P. Wang
Assessment of cerebrovascular dysfunction after traumatic brain injury with fMRI and fNIRS. F. Amyot, K. Kenney, E. Spessert, C. Moore, M. Haber, E. Silverman, A. Gandjbakhche, R. Diaz-Arrastia”